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Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday, Monday

The central California coastal wine country was hot today. Now the late afternoon sun is low in the sky and golden. I didn't sit down in my office expecting to create a blog--am blogger deficient, almost completely.
But I went to a writer's website looking for information about her poetic style, since she'll be teaching a workshop at the local writers conference here next month, and there was an icon: BLOG. I clicked it. Then I just followed the path that unfolded, to see where it went.
Et voila.
My mother suffers from dementia, a moderate form of it. She's on my mind today. Her behavior is childlike, her memory is nil, and her dementia is the source of sorrow for me. Watching her diminish is painful. I have been sad on this final Monday of August 2009.
So here is my poem about sadness in August:

The Garden of Dry Bones

The long warm light of an August evening
strikes the black petals of a blown red rose.
Leaves of the dahlias droop; flowers rot
where they have fallen.
Dust drifts in the still yellow air.
Even the ground is tired.

All the bright blooms have faded.
In wild abandon, the sunflowers
throw back their heads, dripping seed.
The herbs, pungent and robust a month ago,
spend their straggling selves on seed.
Seed is the coin of late summer.

Seeds, and more seeds, fall from the
carcasses of flowers, like dry bones.
The golden light of August slants
through the graveyard of the garden.
Desolate, the gardener picks dry leaves
from the hollyhock.

In the dying light of August,
the earth falls silent slowly
like the fading note of a violin.
Onward plows the cycle.
Downward bows the rose.

Chris Alba (c)2009


Angela said...

August is sad, when the garden begins to whither. Your writing is so poignant and beautiful.

Annika said...

Your writing is beautful. I'm truly blessed that somehow a fraction of it is hereditary :) I'm thrilled you have a blog now. Love from 700 miles away!

Raining Iguanas said...

#1- "Local Hero" (Life's best kept secret)
#2 - Einstein Quote Fan - "Try not to be a man of success but rather a man of value"- A.E.
#3- My blog began much the same. I sat staring blankly at my laptop one afternoon when my adult son entered the house and asked me what I was doing. I told him I was trying to get the courage to apply for a domain name on Go Daddy. He peered over my shoulder and with the bedside manner of an over paid doctor replied,"It's $7.95 for Christsakes," then grabbed the mouse and clicked SUBMIT. I have been writing my ass of ever since.
#4 - Aren't acorns beautiful?