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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Dirty Power

When I’m feeling blue, it’s nearly always because I’m powerless to change something. This time of year, though, there’s a great antidote out in the yard called gardening. It might more truthfully be called weeding or soiling, but whatever it is, it boils down to power. I have power in the yard that I don’t have in the rest of my life.

I’m as ineffectual as a wet noodle in a lot of ways, but out there, I’m a goddess. With my hands alone, I can transform things. Today it was a piece of crap plot of ground. An hour later, it was a rich little garden bed ready for seeds. My whole attitude was transformed with it. I hauled those blue feelings off to the green-waste bin along with three huge bucket loads of weeds.

Lest I get a fat head singing my own praises, I remember that the sun, the rain, the spinning of the spheres aren’t mine to command. The essential force in power-gardening is the Creator who transforms the seasons in the first place. I’m thankful that He lets me work in concert with Him to turn weeds and dirt into flowers.

One of the major things I’m powerless over is another person’s ill will. Along with the weeds I yanked out of the ground today, I fiddled around with the toxic byproducts of an unhealthy relationship. I had fun whacking it with my metaphorical machete until it was no more than a Flash 55 for Mr. Knowitall’s Friday bash. See what others can do in 55 words over at the G-Man’s place.

Bad Blood

When you said I hate you
I saw a dam fracturing,
all that fierce water
surging down the gorge,
your accumulated
tragedies churning
like broken houses
in the flood.
I imagined a drop
of your venom
landing on my skin,
shivering there
before my pores
opened like a rose
and sucked it in.


MorningAJ said...

That's very moving. I really hope that your life moves forward from this point and that you've left the snake behind!

Brian Miller said...

or maybe a venus fly trap....nice bit of imagerya nd word play today chris...

Jess Mistress of Mischief said...


izzy said...

Oh I can relate to this ! thanks !
I have been working to UNDO some very old messages about self worth- Maybe I'll try and scribble a little something out of that-

G-Man said...

I apologize for all the Ass-Hole men in the world.
You nurture more than flowers.
Love and compassion grows from your heart. You are One talented Lady, thanks for joining in the fun today.
Loved your 55 My Friend.
Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End....Galen

Magpie said...

You have wondrous powers beyond what you know. Your words were right on and what I needed to hear today. Thank you. I love your new header picture!

Alice Audrey said...

No, no, don't suck in the venom! Spit it out! Spit it out!

Anonymous said...

Oops. I meant to put - Alice
in, not the other link.

Olivia said...

That hurt lady! I have been there- a few times.. it's beyond any sadness.. I know the feeling!

Very powerful write.. Keep it up, it heals apparently!


dustus said...

Hard-hitting 55. Your intro makes me want to try gardening. Sounds therapeutic.

Jannie Funster said...

Oh , I know that wonderful feeling of having gardened!! Congrats.

And awesome you whacked that relationship all to heck. I too axe ones that don't work. Life's too short!


Monkey Man said...

That doesn't sound healthy.

Steve Isaak said...

Oh-so-relatable work. Good piece.

Katherine Krige said...

Gardening has been a major source of release and comfort in my world, when I too found life too much to bear. Its amazing how turning a little dirt and watching seeds that you planted by hand springing to life. It seems like a metaphor (and while sometimes it is), it is just a magical moment that makes you want to be alive. Keep whacking at that poisonous venom. You can create new life without it.

Dianne said...

Ah, so true, and so easy to ignore. I think I'll pull weeds today. When you said, I love you, I had to also, to receive it.....

hee hee, love your new header, time for my Phoenix to set a new one on my site....

Birdie said...

Chris! first of all, what a wonderful absolutely breathtaking header you have got there! I just stared at it and I could not even move down the page. It completely absorbed me and took me 'away' ... Thank you for this experience! I'm sorry that you feel blue. It's hard, hard when people wants us bad. I know! The good news is that this too shall pass ... sending lots of love your way!

Marion said...

Ahh, Chris, so sorry you're feeling blue and so glad you have a garden. Every time something happens to me to make me feel sad, the garden is where I go. Nothing beats hoeing and weeding and making new beds when I need to find peace. xoxo

Pete Goulding said...

Have you ever tried writing a curse poem, where you wish evil things on another person, like growing a wart on their nose or developing a flatulence problem? They're wonderfully therapeutic!
PS - love the header too!

RNSANE said...

Excellent 55 - reminds me of that song, "I'm gonna wash that man right outta my hair" from "South Pacific" - wish we could eliminate obnoxious people so easily. I hope I get to see your garden one of these days.

Syd said...

There are quite a few things that I like to do when I am deep in some sad state. Being on the water is one and gardening is another. Both land and water flowing through my hands is good for the soul.

Totalfeckineejit said...
