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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love Is a Miracle

A miracle is in progress out in the yard. Despite freezing nights, despite drought in our part of the country, buds burgeon on plants that winter stripped of every living thing. The life force is stronger than all the adversity this winter has thrown at it.

Another miracle: I'm at home with the man I love on our 20th Valentine's Day. We two, who have six marriages between us, have survived everything those 20 years threw at us, in part because No Matter What we kept the promise we made all those years ago: not to run, not to stuff things down, and not to lie to each other ~ not a very elegant promise, but an effective one for us.

Poetry Jam focuses on miracles this week. The past year has been my time of learning to see the small miracles that happen in everyday life and be grateful for them.

You Could Use a Cheap Miracle

“The quality of my life is so poor –
no money,” you said, counting the obligations that

Loom, while penniless you worry –
tell, instead, the last miracle you saw, and what

It cost you. Did you view it from a window
? or did that small fire flare in your chest when

In the half-dark he reached for you even
in his sleep
? The whimper of thanksgiving

Is as good as a hymn
but easily missed – better than meat

After days without food
when your soul is starving.


Brian Miller said...

congrats on those 20 years chris...that is awesome...and love that tender reminder in your verse as well...wealth is certainly not always material you know...smiles.

steveroni said...

That is SO good--think of my last real miracle that I observed. Actually, it is still happening, ongoing. Involves a pigeon (fellow I sponsor)...and how his very life is changing in sobriety.

It is 20th Valentine Day for Anna and me also. 21st Anniversary in May. And believe this--we also have five marriages between us...

We also share gift of sobriety. Life is GRAND!

JANU said...

May you both add many more years to those 20 years...yes, material is immaterial.

Mary said...

Your past twenty years is an example of a miracle; but sometimes miracles also involve attitude and perseverance! I agree with your poem, that we can sometimes find miracles in the small things in our daily life, so easily missed UNLESS we keep eyes open.

The Bug said...

Congrats on all those valentines days - it's an amazing accomplishment. My man had the manflu (still!) on this, our 22nd valentine's day - but it's still miraculous that we found each other :)

I am reminded every day that not having money doesn't have to be the end of happiness. It's a nice lesson to learn.

Peggy said...

Thanks for the excellent prompt that made me really look around myself with wonder and I also like your poem here. Joining others in congratulations on 20 years! Oh and I really love the photo at the top of your blog!!

Ray Sharp said...

a beautiful poem with delicate rythms and line breaks

Unknown said...

what a beautiful, even profound poem.

Also, I'm really glad you found each other at last! on showing your man to see miracles?

Helen said...

How lovely, how amazing you and your husband have discovered the secret to a strong, healthy marriage ~ yes, that is a miracle .. wishing you continued happiness, peace and contentment.

Dave King said...

Congratulations on the 20 years and on the poem. Both are tremendous.

Syd said...

Twenty years together is a good thing- and those simple tenets to base the marriage on are also wonderful. I am glad for you.

Carrie Van Horn said...

Your struggles in life have given you so much wisdom now Chris.....this is wonderful!
Congrats on 20 years that is amazing and wonderful!! :-)

Anonymous said...

"reached for you even in his sleep". I just put that (well, the same sentiment) on my sidebar. After over 30 years, I reach for my husband in the night, it gives me a sense of security like no other.

This is the mark of a poet-putting these heart feelings to words.

you are simply a joy!

J Cosmo Newbery said...

Nicely written. Well done on the 20 years too!

Lolamouse said...

Congratulations on those 20 years! Beautiful poem to celebrate. And we seem to be thinking along the same lines about the miracle of spring!

Margaret said...

Wonderful. How many people don't reach for each other?I'll take reaching in the night for my love over money any day!

Gerry Snape said...

such a good the poem and the honesty... and yes spring is just sitting there at the end of the garden waiting to move in!

twinkly sparkles said...

I love this, Chris. It is both simple and complex. I will return to read it again.

Separate from the poem, I love the information and vow you share. I will keep those words in mind and may return to them. Congrats on 20 Valentine Days together.

ScottF said...

congrats on the 20 years! I dont think it's necessarily meant to be pretty :-)

I could use a cheap miracle these days, what a touching little piece I can sso relate to right at the moment.

Anonymous said...

Chris, congratulation on those 20 years :-) it's wonderful and your promise sounds great!
my dear you have been tagged by me, please visit my post

eileeninmd said...

Lovely poem and post. Your flowers are gorgeous. Have a great weekend!

Dianne said...

OMG! have you been reading my journal? This is the best line ever written in poetry: the whimper of thanksgiving is as good as a hymn but easily missed....
great poetry reading of this but re-reading it is better. And it does feel like starving, doesn't it?

Ed Pilolla said...

promised not to stuff things down. that's as moving, in its rugged way, as the small fire flaring in your chest. a miracle is a miracle, cheap or extravagant, seems to me.

Anonymous said...

"he reached for you even in his sleep"

what a wonderful miracle!

your promise may not be 'elegant' but it's certainly a good base for a relationship, Chris ~ especially being honest!

congratulations on everything! {smile}