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Monday, October 4, 2010

A Good Day to Live

Thank God that the Totalfeckineejit’s Poetry Bus is on its way to my bus stop today! I am happy, joyful, delirious with good cheer, and this without a single drop of the booze I once needed to feel merriment! Oh, it is a good day to live!

All those exclamation points in one paragraph make the cynical Me nervous. Optimism itself makes that person uneasy. In her car is a stuffed Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh, a gift from a friend who found her dismal outlook funny. “It’s sunny today, but it will probably rain tomorrow” is her creed.

But today the optimistic Me finds a reason for smiling. It is Monday, and the marvelous Poetry Bus riders gather for another world tour, celebrating the Eejit who brought us all together. That dark but goofy fellow from over the pond has actually created a collection of our work! We are now in PRINT! It is a good day to live!

If you have spare change for some outrageous poetry, please go buy the premier issue of the Poetry Bus. It will become a legend. I promise. You will laugh. You will cry. You will be invigorated beyond belief! Please visit the great blog of the Bus and see for yourself.

And here, with no apologies, with laughter even, is my Poetry Bus ticket for this momentous day:

Day Dawns

At 6:25 on an autumn day
when the night sky lightens
the hope of morning swells in me
like a red balloon.

Inventive Bus Riders will be found here.


Unknown said...

Autumn came with October this year and I hope to have my fireplace glowing tonight for the first time this year. I'm like the red balloon today. What a wonderful visual.


The Bug said...

Oh I wish I felt that way at 6:25 on ANY morning! I feel that way at 6:25 in the evening - does that count?

I want to change myself to a morning person, but so far I've had no luck.

P.S. LOVE your good mood!

Brian Miller said...

hope your balloon continues to grow and grow...smiles.

Birdie said...

Chris, this sky is just heavenly beautiful. I love to watch the sky. I love it so much. It always makes me feel high. When there are dark clouds I just imagine the beautiful blue behind them. And when the sky has the colors like the one on your picture, then me too, I feel so high and so happy!!! And congratulations for the Poetry bus!! big hugs.

Rosaria Williams said...

Always ready to board a poetry bus!

Dianne said...

oh I see!
the red balloon and ..God in with the Pooh and Eeyore.

Unknown said...

Oh another early riser! Love the photograph and the words fit like a glove

NanU said...

Wish I felt like that so early more often.

Totalfeckineejit said...

What a feeling!Lovely imagery!

Carrie Van Horn said...

My stomach swells like a red balloon to, and i can't make it stop!! On a serious note though this is lovely...hope all your days are this joyous!

Jinksy said...

Any friend of Eyore has to be a kindred spirit! Long may your red ballon fly high... :)

Stafford Ray said...

Yes. Simple and strong. Immediately reminded me of the feeling of sunrise at sea!

Pete Goulding said...

6.25 in the morning and I'm getting ready for bed!!
I feel you could expand this into something quite significant...

Scott M. Frey said...

I leave your blog smiling with each visit :-)

Syd said...

Nice. Autumn has come to the Lowcountry where I live. It is nice.

Marla said...

How wonderful!!!