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Sunday, December 25, 2011

A Christmas Lesson in Fractals

What a fine Christmas Day: Hubby and me, daughter and fiance, my sponsor & spouse for dinner; expenditures minimal but pleasure in giving maximal, small thoughtful gifts and lovely times. Wishing such peace for everyone....

A Midnight Course in Fractal Geometry

Sleepless again    a repetition of many nights
Windows in the pentagonal glass room reflect
Endless patterns of white Christmas lights
Cheerful chaos erupts
From ordinary roofs and shrubs
Curves and angles and loop de loops
Swing in a wind rocking a storm in its arms
A rope of blue light transforms the invisible
Fence     Waves on a blue sea undulate
Again and again and again
In the looking glass
Infinite points of light
Form infinite replicas of stars
Repeating themselves until they vanish
In the midnight place      Men know how
To wrest order from chaos
They can turn these patterns into formulas
Explaining why the shapes make sense
But they can’t say why
The stars make peace
On a December night

Peace on earth, Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night.

Poetry Jam: "solitary"


izzy said...

I was just rereading the last pages of Joseph Cambell's, Power of Myth.
He talks about East and the West interpretation of who is God/ divine-
(We are more personal in our orientation and The East is more impersonal.) However meditation
transcends our ego's- I see whisps of movement, horizontal and vertical like your piece here !
Merry Christmas.

Brian Miller said...

i wish you all that peace in the world chris...have a wonderful christmas!

Laurie Kolp said...

Beautiful... especially the ending. Blessings to you this Christmas!

Pete Goulding said...

I'm so glad you posted this up again, Chris - one of my favourites.
Merry Christmas to you and yours

Syd said...

Merry Christmas, Chris. I hope that you have a wonderful day.

e said...

Lovely wit and wisdom there, Chris. Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

Scarlet said...

Beautiful message...Wishing you Merry Christmas and nights of peace ~

Ed Pilolla said...

men don't know much. they know order and that's about it. we need women to gain control of this world once again. it's the only hope we have.
terrific write.
merry christmas and happy holidays to you.

Anonymous said...

it's beautiful! merry Christmas and a happy new year, may it be one filled up with PEACE, joy, love and health for you and your dear ones, hugs!!!

Lou said...

Wow, what a wonderful ending! Peace on earth, Missy Chris!! Blessings to your family.

Lolamouse said...

I absolutely love the last two lines of this poem! Have a wonderful

G-Man said...

I hope you had a Merry Christmas Chris....G

Judy Roney said...

I love the colors and patterns of lights I see as I read this. All the cheerful chaos that comes from the lights. Then it ends so peacefully. Beautiful!

RNSANE said...

So beautiful, my dear Chris...nice header which I haven't yet seen since I've been so remiss - I've been so enjoying my first three weeks in India, I've gotten behind on seeing my dear blog friends.

Actually, Deepak Amembal, an Indian blogger picked me up for lunch right before Christmas and I got to meet 9 bloggers from here. What a treat that was.

Still have three months to go. Will check in more, as time permits. I miss your wonderful posts.

Margaret said...

The stars make peace
On a December night

Wonderful words. Merry Christmas!

Mary said...

What a beautiful Christmas poem! No one can why the stars make peace on Christmas night probably, but the good thing is that they DO. Belated Merry Christmas to you.