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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

A Christmas Shock

Is it just me, or is everyone not blog-visiting because they're busy with holiday preparations?

I feel bereft. I don't spend time visiting my blog friends because my chore list is getting longer by the minute, keeping me away from the computer. And although I post a thought or two every few days, I get few visitors in return. This is my second Christmas as a blogger, so I don't know trends. I miss checking in with people to let them know their blogs are appreciated, and I miss your comments too.

Glad tidings of Christmas to you and your beloveds. I wonder what you all are busy doing. Are you doing the same things I am? Mailing last-minute gifts, shopping a little for stuff I forgot, returning things I shouldn't have bought in the first place? Pulling together details for the family gathering on Christmas Eve, checking in with everyone who's coming and with those wo are not because I miss them? Fixing decorations that are failing because they're 10 years old, trying to keep the finances up to date, and (always my favorite) cleaning the house for company?

I asked my hubby if I could hire a housecleaner in lieu of a Christmas gift and he said no. So today, while I ran errands and kept appointments and shopped a bit, he dusted the living room and every single knickknack in it! I went around studying the furniture and the multitudinous stuff that clutters it up, and he did indeed dust as I like things dusted. I'm speechless. I'm shocked. He gifted me with his own time! I'm going to stay married to this man forever.

Please say a prayer for a clean report for my youngest daughter's biopsy.

One big part of my life this past year that has blessed me is the blogging community that has welcomed me into its midst. You're a generous bunch of people, funny, honest, talented, caring, and thought-provoking. God bless your holiday, every one of you.


Summer Ross said...

I got all my gift stuff done over a week ago. I'm running errands yes, doing cleaning between two different households. But I'm still around here an there. I hope your holiday is wonderful and brings you laughter that carries you through to the new year!

Paul C said...

I notice the most traffic from Monday to Thursday. You're right about the run up to the holidays this week; there are many other fun diversions. Holiday best wishes to you and your family.

Karen said...

Hello, Chris. Merry Christmas!

I am trying to check in on the blogs once a day, but usually the only time I have is early, early morning before work.

I am absolutely crazy busy with last minute preparations. I actually took a vacation day today to finish shopping and wrapping. Tomorrow my girls and their families will come. Then my sister and brother and their children will come. I'm hosting both Christmas Eve dinner and Christmas Day dinner, as my mother is unable to help anymore. I am feeling so blessed today as I contemplate being together with my entire family for this holiday.

I'm feeding the good wolf, Chris. I'm glad you are, too.

I didn't know about your daughter, but I'll keep her in my prayers.

Merry Christmas, dear friend. I don't know if I'll find time to get back on here for a while! :-)

The Bug said...

Hey Chris! I'm being rude at my Dad's house by reading blogs :) I've been reading everything but not taking time to comment.

Hope you have a wonderful Christmas! I'll keep your daughter in my prayers.

Magpie said...

You're very right...I've been busy and am now trying to catch up because I have some extra time. I have been very bad about posting and miss my daily interaction with my blogging family too. Soon our time will be our own again. :)

Syd said...

I don't know the answer to this Chris, except that bloggers are now really sporadic whereas there used to be a core group. I have been doing this since 2007. There are a lot of followers but few comments much anymore. I wish the best to you and yours at Christmas. And hope that all is negative with the biopsy.

Andrew said...

I must confess, your blog is one of my favorites.

I do so hope you keep it up.

Merry Christmas and all the best in the New Year.

Anonymous said...

I'm happy to have met you. In the cyber/bloggy kind of way ;)

Anonymous said...

I have been super-duper busy, but today was my last day at work until the 4th of January. I've fallen behind on my blog reading and commenting so I'm looking forward to catching up.
Cleaning AND dusting is a lovely, lovely gift! Yes, do stay married to that one - he's a keeper!
Sending positive thoughts and vibes for your daughter. - G

Lyn said...

I think you are right about everyone being busy with holiday preps. Lovely post. I will say a prayer for your daughter's good health! I have enjoyed your blog immensely and I am so happy that I stumbled upon several months ago. I wish you all the joys of the season and peace in the upcoming year. Take care!

the walking man said...

Tell your old man to stop trying to make the rest of us husbands look bad and pop for a cleaning lady.

As to your question I answered it on my own blog before I read your question.

Jess Mistress of Mischief said...

Sounds like your hubby is a keeper! :)

Merry Christmas Chris! I will indeed keep your daughter in my prayers.

My first sponsor's wife is also in need of some prayerful uplift, she's VERY ill. manifesting both physically and mentally.

I believe in prayers being answered!

Marion said...

I've been blogging for almost six years; each Christmas has been slow regarding visitors and comments left behind. I guess it is because Christmas is an uber busy time.

It sounds as if you are looking forward to a wonderful Christmas! I hope your daughter's biopsy will be negative...

Wishing you and your family a very Happy holiday season!!!

izzy said...

I have been checking in -the morning , as usual- don't know how inspired my muse
will be, should a poem or prompt come around... allowing time to read and write, is a morning ritual. Love your Hubby dusting! mine vacuums- cooks-
Thanks for sharing! Merry Christmas-

Woman in a Window said...

Chris, I do believe we're all caught up in super-life right now. More of the same in resposibilities with a few thousand more thrown in. Yes, the best best thoughts and prayers for your daughter, much to rejoice in the New Year. And love to your whole bunch.

Merry Christmas!

Pete Goulding said...

My task at Christmas (well, for life, really) is to hover around my wife in case she needs something handing to her in a hurry. I'm very good at this.
Have a great Christmas, Chris. One of the best things of the year was finding your blog.

Monkey Man said...

A very Merry Christmas to you, Chris and positive thoughts for the best possible outcome on your daughter's biopsy. Much love, Keith.

Unknown said...

I am probably one of the few that is finding I have extra time on my hands now. The kids will be spending xmas with their paternal family so it is just hubby me and 25 various animals. I am enjoying it, to tell the truth. I miss the hustle and bustle but having some quiet serenity is a blessing. I will be stopping in...I will say a prayer for dd and that you to-do list disappears :-D


Rachel Fox said...

Busy days for me this week... cooking, cleaning, running around... no time to be online! But the post Xmas time is usually busier on blogs I think... when everyone is sick of their families and looking for a way-out!

e said...

I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas and New Year and will keep your daughter in my prayers, too.

crownring said...

The Christmas season is notoriously a slow time for blogs, messageboards, and what have you. When the turkey stupor wears off and the bowl games are done, things will slowly get back to normal, Chris.

Anyway, I've been away for a few days dealing with family matters. My mom died on the 16th and the funeral and burial was Monday. We just got back yesterday.

I hope everyone who reads your blog will have happy moments this Christmas to savor in 2011 and years to come.

Peace, dear lady. :)

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas to you and yours and here's to a wonderful New Year. I know how you feel. I've knda been on the fringe of the blogsphere due to the recent theatre work and have to say felt similarlt bereft! I'm also new to the Christmas trends viz bloggers and blogging. But I've been up to eyes with errands, shopping trips and some freelance administrations work all being squeezed in an sqeezing blogging out the otherside!
I agree the blogging community is an extra-ordinary universe full of wonderful people who sustain, support and general help to keep each other a float.Here's to you all!

Argent said...

What's the trick of getting hubs to do the dusting the way you like it? I MUST know!

Sending you lots of Christmas good wishes from cold and snowy England.

Lorenzo — Alchemist's Pillow said...

Merry Christmas, Chris, and a heartfelt prayer for a clean report on your daughter. By the way, since I often read you from Google Reader, it probably doesn't get tallied as a visit, but I following all your posts.

CiCi said...

Giving the gift of time and sharing in the cleaning of your home is a loving gift indeed. Enjoy your Christmas and your family. My thoughts are with your daughter. Hugs.

RNSANE said...

My Christmas decorations remained packed away this year - just too much on my mind with the impending move, etc. I felt like a Scrooge, for sure, though.

My thoughts are with you and your daughter. Hope all is well. My colonoscopy wasn't too bad and the one polyp removed was benign.

I, like you, have really come to cherish this blogging family of ours!

Marla said...

How is your daughter? She is in my prayers.

I know I have been terrible about reading, commenting, blogging and a million other things. I can get quite weird around the holidays, missing my parents and allowing melancholy to rule and reign.