Twas the day after Christmas, and all through the house
Not a laptop was stirring, nor a computer mouse.
The hubby was working, but the little wife was not;
she was stretched out immobile on the marital cot.
The kitties lay with her and occasionally a dog.
The creatures were sleeping, unconscious as logs.
Dear hubby washed cars, and dishes, and clothes
While wifey my dear was not troubled by those.
For curious reasons, her spine was a tingle
As were her hands - such gifts from Kris Kringle!
Electrical pain shot jolts through her neck
Making her cry , "Hey, what the heck??!!"
She wrote a quick poem, then quickly she fled
To the warmth and relief of the marital bed.
And that's enough of that crap.
Here, late in the evening, is a tribute to Monkey Man and his Sunday 160, a tale told in precisely 160 characters and spaces:
Hours wasted Christmas Eve
Hiding gifts in paper
On Xmas morn two seconds later
got mounds of trash you can’t reuse
It’s the “Xmas Wrapping Ain’t Recyclable” blues
Not a laptop was stirring, nor a computer mouse.
The hubby was working, but the little wife was not;
she was stretched out immobile on the marital cot.
The kitties lay with her and occasionally a dog.
The creatures were sleeping, unconscious as logs.
Dear hubby washed cars, and dishes, and clothes
While wifey my dear was not troubled by those.
For curious reasons, her spine was a tingle
As were her hands - such gifts from Kris Kringle!
Electrical pain shot jolts through her neck
Making her cry , "Hey, what the heck??!!"
She wrote a quick poem, then quickly she fled
To the warmth and relief of the marital bed.
And that's enough of that crap.
Here, late in the evening, is a tribute to Monkey Man and his Sunday 160, a tale told in precisely 160 characters and spaces:
Hours wasted Christmas Eve
Hiding gifts in paper
On Xmas morn two seconds later
got mounds of trash you can’t reuse
It’s the “Xmas Wrapping Ain’t Recyclable” blues
Thanks so much for playing along with my goofy Sunday 160. I am honored. You are a special person and gifted writer.
Ouch! Hoping you feel better soon! Love the poem - spot on!
This is a great giggle and I enjoy your stretched and smiling face mask.
Now I need a couple of Valium and a Vicodin for the neck and a smile because i did use recyclable paper this year. Though I gave no gifts the paper was recycled to next year where it will most likely be recycled to the year after that as well.
smiles. we got those blues as well chris...get some rest...
I wish I could write poetry like this when I'm really hurting...you're amazing! I hope you feel better today. I love the photo...it's so you!!heh, heh.
Happy New Year to you and your family!
I recycle the wrapping paper. The bows are saved as is the ribbon. Large gifts that are wrapped will re-wrap about 2 small gifts. And so it goes.
Hope that your neck and back will feel better soon. The poem is great!
I hope you're feeling better.
Life will soon return to normal...whatever that is. :)
It's hard to laugh when you're hurting, Chris! I wish I had your ability to do so....and to put it in rhyme, as well. Such talent you have!
Love this!....Hope you get to feeling better soon! :-)
A brace of pleasance, not pheasants!
ooooo, hope the pain's past by now... but a day spent in bed, i'd give my eyeteeth for that.
It's strange, isn't it, the WORK we put into it with our hands and thin paper, only to tear the shit out of it the next day? I'm thinking, we're none too smart.
Hope your rickety self is mended and enjoying the season:)
My first laugh today, thanks to you and I hope you do feel better soon!
I hate wrapping paper, I am a bagger, and one year I plan to sew christmas fabric bags, drawstring. truly reusable.
I hope you have a great new year. congratulations on the california poetry quarterly publication of your poem! And for winning 1st place. A little Ken told me.
feel better!
Wishing you a happy New Year !!
I like your 'crap'! Especially the mouse.
Love your poems but the photo is to die for. LOL
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