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Saturday, March 26, 2011


I discovered something useful yesterday during hand surgery. Apparently my constitution is resistant to the so-called "powerful" sedative Versed, which is used to induce a twilight sleep and erase memory during medical procedures. Even a double dose of it, combined with fentanyl, had no effect on me. I was completely awake through the whole thing and grateful that a) my hand had been numbed and b) I wasn't undergoing a colonoscopy.

Thank you for all your good wishes. I think the surgery was successful because there's just a wee bit of tingling compared to the usual burning pain. I feel like I've been stabbed in the palm of my hand, so I know it's not numb anymore. The price I pay for sobriety is that I don't get to take opiate pain medication unless I'm in dire need and someone else administers it. On the other hand, one of the blessings I get from sobriety is that I have a surprisingly high tolerance for pain now.

My hand therapist just told me to cut this short and rest my hand. I can't believe I can type already! But I will mind and will leave you with this wonderful message from Antoine de Saint-Exupery:

"To live is to be slowly born."


Totalfeckineejit said...

Glad all went so well! Didn't even know you had a bad hand, I hope it heals well and you have no more pain.
We need you typing poems!

Magpie said...

Blessings! So glad that you're on the road to recovery and that you still have your wonderful sense of humor. :)

Anonymous said...

Yay, Chris! Good news, indeed :-)

Corinna said...

I can't even imagine! So glad that you already have use of it...but follow doc's orders and rest it.

RNSANE said...

Glad you're doing well, my friend. Fentanyl is terrific as discovered for the first time when I had my first endoscopy quite a few years ago with my first ulcer. As I was lamenting that I would be saying ugly things to the nurses, I was being shaken and told to wake up, "Everything' over." No deep general anesthesia!

I keep saying I'm going to get one of those computer voice recognition programs that will do most of the typing for you. A couple of my friends have them and they say they work pretty well.

Elisabeth said...

Hand surgery and conscious enough to experience, puts me in mind of the stigmata.

It's wonderful though that you are recovering so well. Take it easy though. You need your hands.

Helen said...

Thrilled to know all is OK .. pain over!!

Brian Miller said...

get some rest and hope it heals up quick...

steveroni said...

Never gave it much thought (any!) but I also have high pain tolerance.

Wife takes Novocaine just to have her teeth cleaned!

Soooo glad to hear these good results...and that you follow doc's orders!

Sleep well. PEACE!

NOTE: At first glance I thought the message related: " To live is to slowly burn." LOL!

Karen said...

Glad it went well!

Pete Goulding said...

Agree with TFE - the world needs your poetry. Glad all went well and hope it continues to do so

Marion said...

I'm really glad it went well. Best wishes for a full'll be typing full on in no time, I hope. xo

Monkey Man said...

I have had surgery on both hands for trigger finger and know the stabbing feels of which you speak. Hope your recovery goes well and do the PT exercises no matter how painful they may seem.

e said...

Good news! PT will help. You are also very lucky regarding Versed. I was given this for colonoscopy and was down for three days.

Syd said...

I am glad that you are okay and can type. Take care and go easy for a bit.

erin said...

my best on your healing.


Marla said...

Mazel Tov on your healing!