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Monday, June 7, 2010

The Poetry Bus Visits Flora

The Monday Poetry Bus requires a poem celebrating flora or fauna if we wish to ride it today. The Weaver of Grass drives us on this bucolic tour.

Why the Seeds Don’t Sprout

The seeds I planted in the damp earth
two weeks ago have not sprouted and I think

they never will at this point; they have failed
to crack the hard husk of their possibilities

yet inches away the wild columbine flourishes
a sunburst of yellow stars waving over lacy

leaves in brilliant profusion, and I think
this proves while my intentions were good

the wild heart always triumphs


To visit others on TFE's Bus, click here.


Dr. Jeanne Iris said...

Oh, I do love this, Ms. Enchanted one. And isn't it true how triumphantly the wild heart sings!

Brian Miller said...

smiles. and that no matter how much love and care you give, some will never allow their pod to crack....

though i do like a little wild...smiles.

Nana Jo said...

Oh, this is so beautiful and perfect! The wild heart ... yes. yes, yes.

Magpie said...

This is beautiful!! The wild, unexpected gift is always the best. Lovely photo!!

Sam Liu said...

Oh this is such a delight to read! A very beautiful, wonderfully expressed reflection, with a timeless, powerful message at its heart. A great poem :)

The Bug said...

This is nice. It's kind of the acceptance I'm not quite reaching with part of my post today. As a first time gardener (well, ok, a first time hand-wringer while my husband gardens) I obsessed over all the seeds.

Birdie said...

pure delight to read :-) and lovely picture too :-)

CiCi said...

So be it. The wild heart triumphs. Very nice writing and put a smile on my lips today. Thank you.

Karen said...

I love this - message, language, all.

I missed the bus. Who knows -- maybe I'll be inspired later. For now, I'm enjoying being a voyeur.

Pete Goulding said...

Lovely little allegorical tale. It looks deceptively simple yet I'd say a lot of work went into that.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Oh I love it - the story of my gardening life in poetry! I particularly like that triumphant last line - thanks for hopping on my bus.

Titus said...

This is beautiful. Two lines shone out for me;
"to crack the hard husk of their possibilities"
and of course,
"the wild heart always triumphs".
But they are just part of a very organic whole. Loved it!

Shadow said...

this soooo appeals to the rebel in me for some strange reason....

Marion said...

"the wild heart always triumphs", love, love this line! Super poem! xoxo

Anonymous said...

I was waiting for what seemed like forever for my seeds to sprout. I thought my packet of seeds must have been duds. I was almost going to dig up the soil and put some potted flowers in. On the day I was ready to go to the nursery to buy some plants, the first bean sprout poked through the earth. It was the most beautiful thing ever. I would have cried if I had dug up the dirt and found them all just beneath the surface. I'm glad I waited. - G

@ctors Business said...

Nature v us. Indeed "the wild heart always triumphs"

Dianne said...

the wild columbine is my favorite, and the seeds unsprouted were possibly too old from a long, dead season. I am trying to figure this out myself.

Lu Ann said...

Yes... thw wild heart always triumphs.

Syd said...

I love the wild heart. I have one myself.

Batteson.Ind said...

Just gorgeous sentiment! and a powerful dangling last line :-D

Rachel Fox said...

I like this. It feels a very complete piece...and I like that.

Her Big Sad said...

I love this.... especially the "hard husk of their possibilities" and the "wild heart always triumphs". Such a pretty photo, too! :)