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Sunday, June 12, 2011

Pick My Cherries, Please

This is not what my cherries look like, but it's the photo prompt I picked for this week’s Poetry Jam session.

Prayer to My Cherry Tree

Cherry, cherry, quite contrary,
why do you in my garden grow
apace with a snail made merry
on Quaaludes with boulders in tow?

It seems your ripening has stalled
as the days till summer have flown.
I’ve stood so long my head’s gone bald
and several deep wrinkles have grown.

I feel as if I were drowning
deep in my salivary glands.
I sure wish you would quit clowning
and put some cherries in my hands.

The cherries in my tree make me salivate.

Prayer works. These are the cherries plucked by my hot little hands.
Thank you, tree.


the walking man said...

ha ha ha held hostage by your cherries. That is precious.

Brian Miller said... cherries straight from the tree...a playfulness to your words today...somethings are worth the wait eh?

Lou said...

I know prayer works. Too bad I had to be desperate before I tried it!

Monkey Man said...

Mmmmm cherry pie.

Laurie Kolp said...

lol- and a funny prayer at that... the snail part was hilarious

Titus said...

Quaaludes always make me think of Framk Zappa. Why is that?
I can actually imagine him singing this. And I am seriously jealous of those cherries.

Helen said...

Just looking at the photo of your very own cherry crop makes my mouth pucker up ....

Anonymous said...

"apace with a snail made merry
on Quaaludes with boulders in tow?"

This is truly inspired. Quaaludes and cherries. Who'd of thought?

Enchanted Oak said...

A pillhead would've thought. And, I point out, correctly spelled the word without Google. Whatever happened to those things?

Rubye Jack said...

I never did get Quaaludes? All they ever did for me was make me shake. Ah well.
But, I do love cherries. I'd take cherries any day over those things. They are great antioxidants but they also are good for the pain of gout which I just found out I have, actually I have pseudo gout. But now I can't find cherries anywhere.

Magpie said...

Nice and lighthearted poem. So glad the cherries responded to prayer. But then I believe everything does.

jabblog said...

Beautiful cherries from your tree. I liked your nursery rhyme beginning - I've never thought of trees as being contrary:-)

Maude Lynn said...

This is hilarious! This is how my tomatoes seem to be ripening.

The Bug said...

Ludes were the drug of choice when I was in high school. I had a friend who sold them for her boyfriend. I was terrified that someone would force one down my throat. But then I was also afraid they'd make me sniff glue on the school bus. Ha. I was such a nerd.

Titus said...

Framk Zappa must be Frank Zappa on quaaludes.

Pete Goulding said...

Lovely piece of whimsy and excellent rhythm and rhyming too, Ms. Versatile.

Enchanted Oak said...

The funny thing is that Framk looked just right to me. How terribly 'Lude.

Enchanted Oak said...

Peter was my inspiration for the poem. To prove what an extraordinary poet he is, his rhymes today include the word "schnappsed." My hero!

Scott M. Frey said...

mmmmm fresh cherries and patience rewarded :)

Andrew said...

I would think pseudo cherries would work on pseudo gout. But what do I know?

Remembering leaving home for a few weeks as a 13 year old and picking cherries for beer money and smokes.

Mary said...

Yoru poem makes me hungry for cherries. But we won't get fresh cherries (from our area) until late July. YOUR cherries look delicious!

Syd said...

Longing for cherry cobbler.