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Thursday, January 21, 2010

Random Image Series, III

Views from My House

The stone candle sculpture that lights the way to my front door

The sky that welcomed me home last night...

And the sight that warms my heart when I get home.


Anonymous :) said...

What happens to that beautiful stone candelabra in an earthquake?

Anonymous said...

Those cats are the cutest, they look young, it must be wonderful to be greeted at the door by them!


Brian Miller said...

that stone candleabra is really cool. i could sit and stare. do you ever add to it or change it up as you find other treasures?

the walking man said...

It is often not clearly visible this right track ours, yet when it appears you never seem to hesitate to set your foot upon it Chris.

Be Well

Unknown said...

I love the stone candleabra. I have never seen one. That sky looks like what I woke up to today, except less sun peeking through. Your kitties look like ours, underfed, underloved, overworked, and underpaid. Yeah, right (we spoil ours too!)

have a lovely day


Enchanted Oak said...

I made the stone candle sculpture with a drill and objects found at my local beach. We had the big earthquake before I made it, so it hasn't been through a temblor. I'm glad you like it. The stones are serpentine, the most common mineral around here.

Enchanted Oak said...

Another awesome miracle experienced by a little emergency med clinic in Port au Prince, Haiti. Find Tara's blog post here:

Dianne said...

You are a fabulous photographer!
Poetry Reading Tonight?

Hope your earache is better.


Monkey Man said...

Thanks for sharing these little clips of your life. Like everyone else, I love the stone candleabra.

sydney said...

What beautiful babies!

My Farmhouse Kitchen said...

Chris...Hi...first I see Brian Miller..i don't know him, but wonder ...i think i see him over at Mr. Toast's of my most favorites.....

good to hear from you..can you believe this rain..we are water soaked for sure....

loved your photograph of last nights sky..was a weird orange sherbet color here in slo about 5 p.m. and i LOVE your darling kitty cats..kitty lover here too..2 indoor and 3 outside homeless that are now mine..i've been feeding them every morning and afternoon at 4..for about 3 years now..since we moved down here...

thanks so much for inviting me to the poets night out...2 things....i don't drive at night....can't see very well at night...especially over the grade..can kinda make it around here if i have too...and husband works all day in cambria and the evenings is our time together..i make dinner almost very night...he would be lonely if i was gone...

but that was so nice of you to think of me....

i'll be back to visit soon....

kary and her kittys

Syd said...

Great photos. Lovely sky!

Unknown said...

Oh I love the kitties indeed!! Thank you for sharing your part of the world, it allows me to see in and look around and know that we're all are amazing Chris, truly!


Nessa said...

Your cats have such beautiful faces.

Shadow said...

your images sure are welcoming!