Midnight approaches.
I stare at the blank page and words don’t come.
The highway of thoughts has a gridlock somewhere.
When all else fails, pause and run a systems check.
Heart: beating.
Eyes: open.
Fingers: flexible.
Butt: tired.
Lungs: respiring.
Stomach: hungry.
Emotional temperature: warm.
Intellectual capacity: exceeded.
Chris has exceeded her allotted storage capacity for the day!
I have read one hundred and fifteen blogs so far this weekend. I have logged in one hundred and eight replies to that many different people. I’m dizzy with words stored up, used up, passed on, exhaled, inhaled, spelled, erased, and thought of anew.
What an experience, to host a blogfest like the one I’ve just done in honor of Haiti. I’m not a hostess. I’m a loner, a nice, quiet poet gardener recovering alcoholic with battle scars and a will to do something, anything, to help a little makeshift hospital in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
I met the most marvelous congregation of people the past two days. As I opened blogs and read about the simple blessings this group of human beings wanted to share with the world, it seemed a little like opening presents at a birthday party.
So the words appear to be flowing again. Here are the facts for now, after midnight on Monday morning:
I stare at the blank page and words don’t come.
The highway of thoughts has a gridlock somewhere.
When all else fails, pause and run a systems check.
Heart: beating.
Eyes: open.
Fingers: flexible.
Butt: tired.
Lungs: respiring.
Stomach: hungry.
Emotional temperature: warm.
Intellectual capacity: exceeded.
Chris has exceeded her allotted storage capacity for the day!
I have read one hundred and fifteen blogs so far this weekend. I have logged in one hundred and eight replies to that many different people. I’m dizzy with words stored up, used up, passed on, exhaled, inhaled, spelled, erased, and thought of anew.
What an experience, to host a blogfest like the one I’ve just done in honor of Haiti. I’m not a hostess. I’m a loner, a nice, quiet poet gardener recovering alcoholic with battle scars and a will to do something, anything, to help a little makeshift hospital in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
I met the most marvelous congregation of people the past two days. As I opened blogs and read about the simple blessings this group of human beings wanted to share with the world, it seemed a little like opening presents at a birthday party.
So the words appear to be flowing again. Here are the facts for now, after midnight on Monday morning:
TWO ANONYMOUS BENEFACTORS have come forward privately and are matching our total donation dollar for dollar. That just astounds me. It’s not the amount of money—that’s just a drop in a bucket for what is needed—it’s the heart behind the offer.
Because you participated, you have caused my family to send $216 to Heartline Ministries in Haiti. Heartline’s little hospital has functioned with the mighty power of volunteers from all over, trying to repair crushed limbs, birthing healthy babies, easing the dying in their final hours, saving the lives of God’s kids. When I read their blogs, I feel like a million bucks because humanity is alive and pulsating on this earth.
I feel rich and I feel tired. It was a good weekend. God bless you in ways both small and large. I’m proud you people exists on same planet I do.
The photo is of Dr. Jen at Heartline's hospital, comforting a young patient. Jen's mom, Connie, sent it to me yesterday. There are volumes spoken in this simple moment. God bless these wonderful people.
God bless you, and the honest work your recovery has allowed you to produce.
Everything you do is worth it...all.
Dear one,
I am grateful to have had the opportunity to help you spend your cash. Thanks Just Chris and the anonymous one. Two prime examples of the best of humanity!
Bless you, Chris. "Whatsoever ye do for the least of my brothers; this ye do unto me." Amen!
You are doing the work of God here on earth by helping people to help others. Thanks for all that.
God bless you for your kind challenge. I love your idea, and posted my list of things that make me happy at http://acts17verse28.blogspot.com/2010/02/what-great-idea.html today.
Thanks for a wonderful idea and for your generosity.
In His love,
Well done, Chris. It was fun to watch the response.
Dear Chris, you did a fantastic job! And you still kept your humor writing this post ;-) I feel lucky to meet you and I will be back here :-) God bless you beautiful Soul!
Amen!!! You should feel rich and blessed!
I just want to say thank you to you and your family. I'm sure your help is very much appreciated in Haiti. You involved blogging people in a fun way.
I'm glad I found your blog this weekend & visited mine. It's good to realize what we have when times are bad. I hope you have a blessed week! (((HUGS)))
You fill my heart with joy. How happy I am that there was such a wonderful response to your request.
You have earned a day of complete rest and relaxation,dear! It was fun and humbling to read everyone's lists. I, too, am a bit of a introvert and enjoy being alone. I loved being a part of this. Hugs to Dr. Jen, her mom, and the patients in Haiti.
Hey....you know what I think???? I think you are totally incredible....totally awesome. You shine. YOu reallly shine. Sarah
Congratulations on the success of your blogfest!! Yes, the generosity of the human spirit is awesome (in the true sense of the word). Thank you for your kind and thoughtful comment. We will have to visit again.
Thanks for doing this....I am glad to be a drop in the ocean of God's amazing love. You are truly a blessing. :) Your generosity brought us all together for a great cause.
Hugs and prayers for refreshment for you,
Fantastic. I feel you did a great thing. It requires a large heart to ask and then give. May God bless you.
woohoo! that was awesome chris...an amazing turn out...think i made it into the 90s myself. it was great reading so many positive posts and knowing it all went to a good cause.
The expression of gratitude goes both ways. You did an awesome thing to give of your time and energy and promote a cause we all have strong feelings about. Thank you for inviting us and for spearheading the event. Hugs.
What a wonderful post, I just read here. I am feeling so humble and incredibly thankful.
Thank you for bringing out all these emotions in me...in all of us!
Rest now!
Congratulations on the success of the Challenge and to get a anonymous benefactor is totally awesome. Thank you so much for doing this and on such short notice. Imagine how much money you will have to donate when you hold the next Challenge. That one will be a doozy. And some of us might have to join in with helping your family contribute. Just let us know when you want to do it and we will be there for you. We know they need continual help.
Thank you again and may God's spirits and angels be watching over you and your family and the people of Haiti.
God bless.
Give, donate, give more,
Sunshines, heart love, blessings of
Life, no more no less.
I'm not sure if this counts as a Haiku, but I hope so. Bless you and your family.
Dearest Chris,
Thank you so much for your kindness and I am so proud of you.
You have been a most gracious hostess.
You are amazing and your comments on each of the blog , so personal and warm.
I love you, Chris.
So pleased to make your acquaintance, Chris, through your Blogfest. This has been a truly inspirational idea.
I'm so pleased we are both Narnia-ites (or should that be Narnians?)!
I'm just adding you to my blogroll.
Chris, the response was great. I am so glad. It took so little on my part but a lot on your part. Thank you.
Wow! So glad for the response. And very moved.
Thanks for doing this.
Hi Chris,
I came in on this effort (literally) in the 11th hour and feel very blessed that God has allowed me to help in some small way. Mother Teresa once said "We can do no great things, but we can do small things with great love." Thank you for helping us to love the dear people of Haiti in some small way.
Way to go, Chris!
Thanks to you and the anonymous matcher from the bottom of my heart! All these people taking a moment to pause and be grateful...God is smiling :o)
Bless you, Chris, for your compassion and generosity! It was your heart that we all followed. You did this!
This was a wonderful idea and you did great. Congratulations!
What a wonderful thing you did, how lovely.
Congratulations on a job well done, Chris! Mazel tov!
Chris, how can we really thank you for your generous heart and gratitude for allowing us to share with you our simple joys of life and that you tookthe time to comment on each of us and share with each of us!
Much love and peace
a good kind of tired
like Offero carrying that helpless child across the stormy river, never stopping, never doubting...perservering
bearing the load of Christ
( Christ Bearer)
Peace ~ Rene
Congrats! It all started with you!
I applaud you, and I'm happy to have found your blog and be a part of this effort.
Got a SUNSHINE AWARD with your name on it!
Kindly accept it.
Chris, this was just wonderful and I am so appreciative that two people are going to match the funds as well. Isn't it a joy to know that people responded to your call?
I know that the needs in Haiti will continue into the future and I hope we all keep our focus on this small spot in the Caribbean. Please continue to update us with your news.
What a marvellous weekend of generosity. I'm blown away by the anonymous benefactors and by your own contribution.
Much love to you!
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