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Monday, May 24, 2010

F the Fairies: Poetry Bus

F the Fairies

I ain’t no friggin’ fairy
no stupid stardust in my eye
won’t catch me wearin’ tutus
or flutterin’ up in the sky

I got a jelly roll belly
to go with cottage cheese thighs
I got a butt like a woman
and I wear a woman’s size

I know how to hold a hammer
light a stick of dynamite
I can drill a hole in a rock
and hold my own in a fight

I ain’t no prissy female
gotta outline her lips just so
needs gobs of goo on her face
before she can go out the door

I ain’t into none of that shit
with me you get what you see
I am what I am and that’s it
someone with the strength to be me

TFE's Poetry Bus rides again with Terresa at the wheel and providing the prompt above. I'm late with my entry, being as I was camping in Big Sur, California, without mod cons. However, I took the photo prompt with me and an old-fashioned pad of paper. A voice came over me, and this is the poem you get for your trouble in coming by my place. Other riders write better than me. Start the tour here.
(I swear, the photos are killer)


Karen said...

Oooh, oooh, oooh! I wish I had written this! I love the voice, the word choice, and the message.

Brian Miller said...

that was freekin awesome...way to amp up the tude...great rhythm as well. you rock chris!

Syd said...

You are real. That's awesome.

Magpie said...

This is awesome! And goes so well with the prompt. I love it! Welcome home. How was Big Sur and camping?

Beth Niquette said...

(guffaw) Oy! This is just TOO funny! Ahahaaa...

* said...

Love the voice, the attitude. It reframes the entire fairy vision and pulls it down to earth!

Rosaria Williams said...

This is stunningly beautiful, solid and in your face, raw and immediate. The picture complements it beautifully. Brava!

RNSANE said...

Now, this is my kind of poem, Chris...of course, mainly because it's me - to a T...cottage cheese thighs and all!

@ctors Business said...

Great, gustsy and I can feel the twinkle in the eye. I frackin loved it!

Argent said...

Oh, YES! Now that's what I'm talking about! Well worth the wait!

Batteson.Ind said...

lol.. how I know about that second verse! :-D
loved this, can imagine the fairy in question wearing a pair of 'feck off boots' marvellous images!

Titus said...

Wow, a breath of fresh air to blow away the fairy dust! Fabulous, funny take on a mystical/mysterious picture that turned most of us very serious (except good old Peter and Dominic, a bit) but with that sly, subversive message underneath.
And yes, great voice.
And imagination.

Birdie said...

I love it!! Now that's somebody speaking who knows her own price! :-))

Marion said...

This will be a classic. Super attitude...I got it as soon as I read the first line!

Looking forward to the photos of Big Sur, and I hope you had a fabulous time!!

The Bug said...

Hey - I think you should have asked my permission before you put me in your poem LOL. Except for the makeup - I'm not that cruel to those who have to look at me.

Dave King said...

That's telling it as it is - or should be. Great lines.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Enjoyed mucho!
I feel like saying 'Yeehaw!And so I'll say it again 'Yeehaw!' If that ain't the rootinest tootinest dang poem I ever did seee!

You kick Butt,Comrade. I likes this!

Padhraig Nolan said...

Rockin' and Robustin' - grrrrrrreat voice!

Gawd, I envy your trip to Big Sur too - sounds mighty!

Monkey Man said...

Awesome. Awesome. Awesome. I love it real and this was it. Can't wait to see pics of the trip. Welcom back.

Shilpa said...

This is by far the most delightful take on the prompt. A totally different tone but refreshing. Love your tone.

And you are true. It ain't any competition. Thanks for the response on my post!

Niamh B said...

cool, only relooked at the title at the end, perfect name for the attitude in this!

Pete Goulding said...

Well, I suppose it all depends on who the voice is. If its a man, then its out of the ark; but if its a woman, its great. (I'm not being thick - I sometimes write as a woman)

CiCi said...

Jelly roll belly and all, an awesome and accomplished W-O-M-A-N!!

Dominic Rivron said...

What a good 'un! What makes (some) women think men go for "fairies" (as defined by your poem)? Beats me.