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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Alive and Glad of It

Me at the dawn of my life (on the right) with big head and older brother.

My birthday looms on Friday. November 19 has always been a favored day, a day of celebration for me, when I expect nice things to happen. I like the fact that I’m alive on this planet.

I am better now than when I was 15. I’m better now than when I was 36. I’m just better now than I was, because I am becoming that which I could be. One of my mottos has been Friedrich Nietzsche’s statement, “That which does not kill us makes us stronger.”

This is me when my secret life included sexual abuse. Can you see it on my face? Remember what Nietzsche said? I surpassed it.

And this is me clowning with my mother on college graduation day, having earned my BA. They gave me a great gift, my parents. I was the first in three generations to graduate from college.

This week I provide the prompt for the world-famous Poetry Bus, created by the world’s most famous blogger, Totalfeckineejit. For bus tickets this week, I have decided to require…

Poems that address your existence on this earth. Good, bad, or indifferent, tell us something, anything, about your life here.

Come back Saturday or Sunday to tell me if you want to ride the Bus I drive this week. I’ll do the linkies starting then.


Birdie said...

Chris, a very happy happy birthday to you!!! You definitely are wonderful the way you are. I'm happy that you managed to make it on such a hard road and that you arrived here in all your beauty,the inner and the outer :-) I'll be thinking of you on Friday :-) big hugs!!

Titus said...

You were the most determined-looking baby -
'I. Will. Get. This. Head. Up.'

Congratulations on being a survivor, and I love the graduation photograph.
I'll be riding that Bus.

Happy Birthday for Friday!

Totalfeckineejit said...

Thanks Chris, great task, will take some chewing, but I'm realy looking forward to the response to this.

Terra said...

'Tis only the 17th, but I wish you a grand birthday for this Friday, the 19th. Isn't it great how we can improve with age?

Elisabeth said...

Your happy birthday day coincides with my wedding anniversary, another cause to celebrate. I find that photo of you during a time of sexual abuse haunting. So much hidden.

You are a true survivor. Happy birthday.

Dianne said...

hmm, thats right. I recall a birthday poetry reading about a year ago, and it will be my 1year anniversary sometime this month as a blogger, thanks to you.

I am glad you were born. I am glad you are alive. I am glad my baby picture was copied from yours, you should see it, I'm not nearly so cute but just as wobbly.

See you at a birthday poetry reading kitten.

the walking man said...

Have a good birthday kiddo and let it set the tone for the rest of the year 'til the next one.

My life has been uneventful, a series of footprints left on the sandy shore that the waves erase as soon as I pass. I ride no bus unfortunately.

Jess Mistress of Mischief said...

Loving the photos especially as they continue to change and grow, I especially love the one under the "recovering Lutheran" photo... That photo is full of full-color joy too!

izzy said...

Nice! love the photo w/ your Mom!

Myrna R. said...

Happy Birthday! It sounds like your over mere survival and have discovered the wonder of strong living. Congratulations!

JBR said...

Happy Birthday. Thank you for sharing. And sharing your pictures. Hugs to you.

The Bug said...

Darn it Chris, I don't want to be examining my life right now. I just had a cancer scare & brain has abdicated. Oh well, I'm sure I can come up with something :)

Happy early birthday! Does that little girl in the picture write some of your poetry? I imagine that she is quite an author, that one...

Unknown said...

Happy birthday tomorrow which you share with my dear friend Sandy, in CA. We are fellow Scorpions and when you mentioned the abuse, I experienced that too in my childhood, ...something I too overcame and surpassed. Today it seems like there are more avenues for support and dealing with it, but Nietzsches was right...the foirst time I used that slogan people were astounded and I don't thinkt hey got it.... Enjoy your special day all month long!!!

Carrie Van Horn said...

So glad you are still on the planet to share,teach, and make others laugh as well....hope you have a birthday as awesome as you are!!!! :-)

Monkey Man said...

Some of the most significant people in my life have been Scorpios.

Happy Birthday, a day early.

e said...

Happy Birthday, Chris! I wish you a fabulous birthday and a wonderful year ahead.

Louise said...

Sounds like you are one determined lady and like myself a scorpio! Great prompt. My ticket is at http:/

The Bug said...

Ooh - I get to say happy birthday again - on your actual birthday! I hope you're having a good one.

Here is my "poem":

Dr. Jeanne Iris said...

♬ Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday Dear Chris.... Happy Birthday to you! ♫

Wonderful photos and a great prompt... In the words of your governor, "I'll be back!"

Rachel Fox said...

Here's my ticket


Helen said...

Belated Happy Birthday to you! Your challenge is daunting and forces me to dig as deep as I possibly can. Of course, you needed that big baby head to hold all that wisdom and charm!

Dr. Jeanne Iris said...

As promised, I'm back with bus ticket right here:

Have a great weekend!

Carolina Linthead said...

Happy Birthday! Mine was last Saturday (11/13). Here's my Poetry Bus ticket:

Helen said...

I'm up and ready to ride..a little early due to fun-packed weekend!


Titus said...

Hope it was a great day! Nah, who am I kidding, of course it was!

And my bus poem is done, and here:

MuseSwings said...

Happy birthday! I plan to exist on this week's poetry bus - see you there!

Unknown said...

Happy belated birthday, dear friend. I will make sure I eat a piece of cake in your honor this week! I also like that quote and know that my backbone and thickskin are living proof. Have a thank-full holiday.


Syd said...

I like the photos of you. You really look like your mother. I am just now catching up on your blog. Life has been busy.

BTW, it is Christmas when I will have the parents-in-law over and we will also have recovery people there. It was a hit last year.