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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Chronology of a Crone

Today has been my special day since I first learned it was my birthday. I thank God for the gifts in my life. I honor myself for the wisdom I have attained, and the growth I have before me. I have gorgeous red and purple-tiger roses blooming for this special day in November. I also had the most monster sycamore leaf drop into the birdbath and I'll treat you to that.
I’ll offer you to a poem about my life.

Chronology of a Crone

The woman—
who hides her gray hair under a blond rinse
—is not aged.

In her lives the young girl laughing in 1963,
when she was all of nine, before the bloody pink suit.
In her is the teen with solemn eyes. Alive and well in her
is the young woman in black robes and mortarboard,
smiling wide with a degree of joy she earned herself,
In her, the bride with wide hopes.
In her too, the mother with child.

A parade of photographs marches around the bed,
telling the story of her long life. This gift
from her mother captures the deep, sweet roots
that ground her in the earth of herself.

The passage of time has smoothed her rough edges,
leaving behind the tracks of the years in her eyes.
You are a crone now, says her masseuse, kneading
the network of aches that lives in her shoulders.
You are the wisewoman who has found the answers
she sought. Lord knows where the diploma is.
The marriage is over, but the hopes remain.

The woman—
who has grown strong, and weathered many storms
—still dances.
She hears the music of the seasons
and she raises her arms high above her golden head.
God bless your day, my beautiful people in the blogosphere.


the walking man said...

Aging isn't a pleasure but it sure as hell is an adventure. Happy birthday babe.

Just Be Real said...

Awwww, birthday greetings and what a great inspiring poem! Blessings dear one and than you.

Scott M. Frey said...

happy birthday, my new friend :-) I enjoy visiting you here!

Shadow said...

i simply love the description of your life. especially 'the hopes remain'. and they should. happy birthday sweetheart, blessings on this very special day!

Pammie said...

Excellent. I enjoyed this post very much.

Tall Kay said...

Happy Birthday my shining friend! May you dance all day today and thank God for this special day that He made all yours! He even brought you beautiful roses! :o)

big Jenn said...

A very Happy Birthday to you my friend.
Your poetry inspires me every day. Thank you. jeNN

Dianne said...

Hey, every day I am alive, I feel like it is my birthday,
I am grateful for your arrival on this planet on this day, and every day, geez, what else? You share this date with one of my favorite friends,

EAT cake, pie, or both!
love, Di

Lou said...

Your poem reminds of the joys of each stage of life.

I knew I was middle aged when I could laugh about the crazy things I did in my youth!

Brian Miller said...

a beautiful glimpse into your life. hope remains...keep dancing and bringing a slice of wonder with your words. happy birthday!

Enchanted Oak said...

Thanks to Poetikat's inspiration, I wrote a little haiku about the birdbath photo:

Platter full of leaf
Autumn's gift of sycamore
Life is large in fall

Nessa said...

Happy Birthday! It is a shame more women do not celebrate their crane-age. It is a wonderful place to be if you embrace it.

Monkey Man said...

Nice. We ARE all in there, aren't we. The ages that have led up to our time. A friend of my parent's used to refer to his age as "my whole put together". I have always liked that.

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday to you!!!!! What a gift you are to the world indeed! To us in the blogs, to your loved ones near, it is us who are blessed with your crone wisdom and amazing insights!

happy birthday with love

Mary Christine said...

Happy Birthday to you!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, you wonderful lady you! Just love your poetry :)

This is Dreamdancer, aka Roxy. I'm moving my blog (sigh!) and I hope you will join me on my new one:

Hugs and God bless!

Dianne said...

Happy Day today, too, every day we honor our births!

Flash 55 Friday!
every friday, compose a short story of 55 words - no more, no less. if you want to join in the fun and games and give it a your story and report to the boss G-Man