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Friday, November 20, 2009

Flash Fiction 55

Living Large

She went to Victoria’s Secret
Browsed the aisles for a surprise
For her hubby, waiting at home
But they said they didn’t have her size.
All she wanted was a wisp of a thing
Something to make his eyes open wide.
But the wisps were for wisps
And not for a womanly bride.

If you want to play, go see Mr. Knowitall.


Brian Miller said...

oy! tried to keep my eyes on your thinks its not just for the wispy twigs, but for the strong trees as well. great 55!

mine is up!

Lou said...

Zaftig is sezy!

Hootin Anni said...

Victoria knows nothing....the best thing IS nothing to open a man's eyes. roflmao

Loved this.
Thanks for popping over to my blog today. Love having your company

Beth Niquette said...


big Jenn said...

Gone are the days of buying anything there for me, sigh. jeNN

Shadow said...

mmmm, but a woman knows how to make a plan to entice her man no matter what...

Monkey Man said...

You got my attention with this one. I like my women womanly. Curvy. Keep the wisps. My 55 is HERE.

Mona said...

LOL! that is indeed something to consider! :D

Nessa said...

My husband likes a woman who is soft and cuddly, not cranky from starving.

Very nice 55.

Flash 55 - Favors

steveroni said...

The wisps were for wisps!!! LOL Beautifully written

Also like the graphic...graphic, ummmm, yessss the graphic? GRAPHIC!!!! I mean that photo.

And those strong trees, as brian wrote --grin!

Tall Kay said...

Ohhh! I loved this one! Alas, it is so true! Very sexy 55!

Reverend Michael Kilgore said...

I've always preferred my women woman-sized! But I DO have to admit that picture is a bit distracting.....

Dulçe ♥ said...

Sexy sexy woman in the photo... but that's she and only a photo only to look at...and we other shes are real and so sexy as well and our hubbies love us all the same, with or without those wisps of a thing...
I loved this 55

G-Man said...

I'm absolutely sure that you don't need any of that fluff to get anyones attention.
Smart, talented, loving women are HOT HOT HOT!
Excellent 55 My Dear..
Thank you for your support to others today as well...YOU ROCK!
have a Kick Ass Week End....G

S said...

Vickys is NOT for real women. I have found that Macys handles this.

Happy 55!

Anonymous said...

Nicely done ~ paying tribute to women you enjoy looking like women and not young girls...or worse, boys. (That being said after seeing so many "gazelle's" during Fashion Week here in Milan).

Mine's up:

Friday Flash 55 ~ The Boy on The Tram

Berowne said...

You say one of your interests is the work of Ernest Hemingway. I'd enjoy learning your reaction to my posts on him on my blog Savage Reflections.
Let me know what you think.

Enchanted Oak said...

Berowne, you almost scare me. Do I dare go there?

Dr.John said...

How big is a wisp ?
Great 55

inappropriatesue said...

Thanks for visiting mine. I'm glad you did 'cuz I got to read yours. Great stuff. Victoria's Secret has nothing to hold substance. I know because my cups runneth over, LOL. Happy 55!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm, I remember the days when...

I love this 55! Enjoyed laughing at the comments too, wishing I could SEE some of the commentators facial expressions as they ummmm, tried to focus on their writing, heehee!

Felicitas said...

All we ever need is a little imagination - something I'm certain you have in spades! Terrific 55!

clean and crazy said...

great 55 and oh so true. we larger women need to feel beautiful too!! mine is up!!

the walking man said...

Yeah I never got the lingerie thing. All the buttons and snaps and gizmos to undo...give me naked as the prewrap.

Larry said...

I loved it and look forward to reading you again next Friday 55.
Thanks for Visiting me earlier this morning.
Thanks Again.

This Blog Of Mine

hope said...

Victoria's Secret must be that she is a HE...a HE about 15 years old. Sigh.

Long live the REAL woman with curves, no matter how wide those curves might be. ;)

Woman in a Window said...

Victoria Secret cracks me up
AND scares the bejeepers outta me.

Why can't I look like her? You do know, I completely rememble a tree. Big.ole.oak.
