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Thursday, November 5, 2009

Friday Flash 55

Go see MrKnowItAll on my blog links if you want to play around with a story in 55 words exactly. Here's my earthy addition to this week's game, posted a little early for those early risers on the East Coast.

When a Dandelion Is Not a Weed

I’ve moaned and groaned about the weeds in my garden
Growing wilder and stronger from my neglect,
Yet in truth, when the light is right, what is a weed
But a wildflower in the domicile where it is unwanted
And even dandelions are beautiful, when my vision's right


g-man said...

Who determines whats a weed anyway?
Excellent 55 Chris.
Thanks for embracing this little excercise in creativity...You Rock!
Have a Kick-Ass Week-End.....G

Brian Miller said...

i imagine there is a lot of beautiful things we miss when our vision is not right. nice 55!

Tall Kay said...

I loved this one Chris. It's great how you found the good in with the bad. Such a great 55 words!

Alice Audrey said...

Dandelions were originally brought to the Americas as a garden plant. Turned out to be a little too well suited.

♥ Boomer ♥ said...

A beautiful 55!!!!!!!!! ♥

Julie said...

I agree. So beautiful! I've never understood why people hate dandelions. They're so bright and cheerful, but I love them mostly for their resilience.

I love "growing wilder and stronger from my neglect." That is awesome. Some people remind me of dandelions. No matter how much they get kicked around, they survive and thrive. Beautiful words, Chris.

Janna said...

Nice thought. I agree completely; there are some "weeds" which are really beautiful if we take the time to think of them a little differently.

Wonderful Friday 55!
Mine is all ready too.
You can read it here.

clean and crazy said...

great 55, i love dandelions, they are so magical, they make a great tea, they have medicinal purposes in their leaves, they make beautiful necklaces and when they are just right, the make a million wishes with a single breath!!
we love dandelions around here BTY mine is up too

Monkey Man said...

You are so right - it's perspective. My 55 is up and HERE.

steveroni said...


DreamDancer said...

Awesome, Chris! I love it.. very inspiring :)

smarmoofus said...

Well-said! Weed or wildflower always seemed an arbitrary distinction to me.


the walking man said...

And they is good for eating too!

Shadow said...

absolutely! weeds are only called weeds cause they grow so much easier than the other finniky one's, i believe...

Hootin Anni said...

That's a nice 55!! Wildflowers.....I call them wildflowers since that's what they really are when MY vision is right.

Mine is Pepper Sprayed today. Click Here and scroll down beyond my Friday's Show n Tell to find my 55. Have a glorious weekend.

Anonymous said...

Chris ~ It is all in the perspective, isn't it? Well handled. Glad to know you are back in your garden again.

Thank you for coming by to visit my Flash 55 ~ Awakening earlier.

Hugs ~ Karis

Lou said...

Weeds have feelings too!

Very nice one, Chris.

Bubbie said...

Loved it. Glad to have found your BLOG!!! So true - a weed/flower is in the eye of the beholder!

Maude Lynn said...

Gorgeous writing! Personally, I like dandelions.

Akannie said...

Hiya, hunnybunch!!!

Beautiful 55!!!!!

Beautiful woman!

Glorious day here...I'm going back out to play!

Much Love...

Felicitas said...

You're right - it really is all about perspective! Lovely piece.

CJ said...

Lovely thoughts for your Flash 55. And your photos of lovely, too.

I know some weeds can be beautiful. ( I love Queen Ann's Lace.) But when one lets them grow, they take over, kind of like one rotten apple spoiling the entire bushel. Sometimes I wish there were a commercial value to weeds. I'd be a ka-zillionaire. But, oh, that wouldn't work. By the law of supply and demand, they would still be worth nothing.

DreamDancer said...

Chris, there's something waiting for you on my Friday post. Come see me :)

Karen said...

Chris, I love your poems that connect to flowers and the natural world.

I know we've all been weeds at times, but God planted us in many places and all was garden to begin with! I think your vision is a-okay!

Thanks for the beautiful pics, too. They are welcome on the eyes, as nearly all the leaves fell here last weekend, and it's beginning to look ghostly. Your poem is a reminder, though, that with my vision right, I can focus on the beauty of even that.

Larry said...

first of all I just wanted to say that your friends story was great I liked that a lot it had my total attention.....
Your flash 55 is GREAT also I never thought of a dandelion as beautiful in the right minds eye. Great Job look forward to reading nextweeks. you'll find mine below.
True Loves

hope said...

I LOVE dandelions. I don't think of them as weeds...I think of them as wishes on a stem. :)

Have a wonderful weekend!

Mona said...

This reminds me of Wordsworth's poem "daffodils " :)