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Friday, December 4, 2009

Flash 55 Friday

The Musician

A woman spitfire
attacks the guitar
with gusto
like a gull rips
into a bag of Cheetos
with glorious greed
She has gorged herself
on music
She flings it
into the crowd
Rips open
the sack of her heart
Grabs the words
with mouth and hands
Hurls them into the air
with glee

If you want to tell a story in exactly 55 words, do so and go tell Mr. Knowitall.

I have basked all day in the afterglow of yesterday’s spectacular unfolding. Feeling pure joy is a priceless thing.
There’s a phrase in the book of Luke, when the shepherds and the wise men have paid their visits to Mary, Joseph, and the Christ child, that says, “And Mary stored up all these things and pondered them in her heart.”

I have been pondering in my heart the gifts of friends, poetry, recognition as a poet, blogger buddies who say incredible things, and life as me, such as I am.

Whatever is wrong in this world, and there is much of that, there is good as well. Loving the work we do, for instance: a gift. Writing a good piece: a gift. Talking with a child of two, interested in everything: a gift. Loving a friend, a lover, a father, a child: all gifts. Autumn leaves turning red and gold: a gift. Holding your aged mother’s hand as you cross a busy street, with her shuffling old-woman steps, feeling like a parent of a trusting four-year-old: an oddly wrapped gift.

God bless us, every one.
Chris Alba
Photo courtesy
© 2009


Anonymous said...


Again you take my breath away with the sculpting of your words. I so enjoyed the 55 ~ I have a picture of Joan Jett in my mind for some reason!

Moreover, I loved the gifts that followed your piece. As good as your 55 is, the gifts were a gift to read.

Have a blissful day and thank you so very much for your heartfelt word on my blog as well. Very sweet.


Friday Flash 55 ~ Sobering 55

Just Be Real said...

Wonderful 55 dear! Blessings....

Shadow said...

your happy thoughts have sure uplifted me today. it feels like i'm sliding into the holiday blues, and i don't like it...

and your 55? what can i say. that is pure passion for music, i love it!

Nessa said...

I really like today's poem. It feels like a child's enthusiasm.

Flash 55 - Love

Lou said...

Thank you for this post. I get fatigued by all the hand wringing on the news (and frankly, on the blogs). There IS much good. I see many moral, determined people all around me.

I think it is just that the naysayers are louder than the grateful ones!

Karen said...

To this I say Amen.

RNSANE said...

A beautiful poem, lovely words written, to warm my heart as I hed to bed at 3AM this morning. You do remind me that, in spite of occasional annoyances and dismay, life is, basically, quite good!

Dr.John said...

What a fantastic description of a singer. I loved it.
Great 55

I have finished my 55.
You’ll find it
But it’s a groaner.

Tall Kay said...

Your 55 took me to the concert! What a blast! I always get such a visual thrill with your gifts! :o)

You are a gift in my life!

clean and crazy said...

great 55, even greater gratitude for life. great post. i love the space your in. mine is up too.

Dianne said...

I was that musician,in the audience!
I take your gratitude and raw joy and throw it right back at ya!
My family listened to my radio recitation while I listened with my work family, but my spouse was too busy, half a relationship? Better today, by the way....

Anonymous said...

Wonderful fifty five, i liked the idea of grabbing words with mouth and hands to hurl them up in the air.

Alice Audrey said...

Great poem! I love the gusto of it.

g-man said...

This was fantastic!
You know your way around a quill, thats for sure.
Very creative and descriptive, thanks for this little Gem.
Thanks for playing, and have a Wonderful Week-End....G

Julie said...

The poem is gorgeous and lifts me up high. I love what you say about pure joy. Life is very rough right now, and I sometimes have to force myself to look around and see the joy. When I do, I'm glad. I have so much to be thankful for. You're on the list, because I'm thankful to have met you.

P.S. - I bookmarked the radio link and will check back to see when your performance is archived. I can't wait to hear it.

Brian Miller said...

wow. great 55. i love to see musicians totally lost in their music. without the heart, its just words.

mine is up!

Rosaria Williams said...

Look how the audience glows! Lovely performance.

Susan at Stony River said...

I love your 55, and could just *feel* that music as I read, but the whole post is just wonderful.
Happy Friday!

Syd said...

There is so much good in this world. I guess that I see people are sad and heavy with expectations this time of year. I am keeping mine at a minimum.

Anonymous said...

Powerful 55! Vivid and descriptive, I love it! Have an awesome day basking in sunshine and joy Chris :)

One Prayer Girl said...

"like a gull rips into a bag of Cheetos" OR did you mean to write, -like a Prayer Girl rips into a bag of Cheetos- :)


Felicitas said...

I LOVE your 55! I could completely visualize the passion with which she played that guitar - and comparing her to a seagull ripping into a bag of Cheetos was highly original and effective. Terrific!

hope said...

I really like this one! The imagery is wonderful!

Erin Merryn said...

You have great poetry. Do you publish any of it? First time stopping by.